sábado, 17 de março de 2012

Synyster Gates e suas palavras para os fãs


“Our fans have been very supportive, um, and very close with us. They definitely knew The Rev, Jimmy Sullivan…he’s highly documented. We put out a lot of cool footage and live stuff. I mean, everybody…if you wanted to, you could easily get to know that guy and realize what a special person he was. With our bond and our, uh, community with our fans…everybody’s a huge family, and so basically right now, doing stuff like this is our message. It’s time to share all these things with the fans, they’ve had unanswered questions for a long time now, ya’ know, just about a half a year, exactly a half a year. So, this is what we’re doing, ya’ know, to share it with them. We know that they loved Jimmy, they still love Jimmy, they love us, very close…we love them back…most of them.” - Synyster Gates
                                       “Our fans have been very    supportive, um, and very close with us. They definitely knew The Rev, Jimmy Sullivan…he’s highly documented. We put out a lot of cool footage and live stuff. I mean, everybody…if you wanted to, you could easily get to know that guy and realize what a special person he was. With our bond and our, uh, community with our fans…everybody’s a huge family, and so basically right now, doing stuff like this is our message. It’s time to share all these things with the fans, they’ve had unanswered questions for a long time now, ya’ know, just about a half a year, exactly a half a year. So, this is what we’re doing, ya’ know, to share it with them. We know that they loved Jimmy, they still love Jimmy, they love us, very close…we love them back…most of them.” - Synyster Gates

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